Display of the website netafim-kompetenzzentrum.de on smartphone and tablet


Netafim™ was founded in Israel in 1965. The company pioneered drip irrigation and was the first worldwide to use the innovative form of irrigation. Today, Netafim™ produces irrigation systems for agricultural companies worldwide, helping to save resources and optimize yields in times of climate change and water scarcity.
Screenshot of the homepage of netafim-kompetenzzentrum.de

We developed a website for the Netafim™ Competence Center, which is conducting independent scientific research into the benefits of drip irrigation for farmers in Germany. It documents the results of the 2020 and 2021 field trials.

The competence center provides the infrastructure for research into subsurface drip irrigation by independent scientists. At the same time, it carries out its own extensive practical tests. For this purpose, a drip irrigation system was introduced into the soil on a field in Redefin in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania. The scientific trials are being carried out by the Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania State Research Institute for Agriculture and Fisheries (LFA) and the Saxony-Anhalt State Institute for Agriculture and Horticulture (LLG).

Screenshot of einfach-bewaessern.de on smartphone, tablet and laptop
For Netafim™, we also designed and developed a newsletter template and the website einfach-bewaessern.de (simply irrigate), which promotes products for the home garden.
We realized the projects for Netafim™ in cooperation with Diehl Relations GmbH.