Mixtape Migration
For the non-profit association turn the corner we transformed the virtual city tour Mixtape Migration into an exhibition format.

The tour, conceptualised by turn the corner and designed by and with Frankfurt residents who have migrated here, explores questions about migrant life and work in Frankfurt am Main: What does it mean today to migrate to Frankfurt, to arrive, to live and to work here? What experiences do people make in their everyday lives, with authorities, at work or in search of it? What structural mechanisms of exclusion exist and how do people fight to create spaces for themselves? In which places does migration manifest itself in the city?

Migration has always been an integral part of Frankfurt’s urban society. Yet migration is still seen as a problem that needs to be solved. People who migrated are often the object of public discourse rather than being considered an active part of the conversation. In Mixtape Migration, affected people and activists have their say and talk about exclusion, discrimination, and their fight against it.

The content of the seven stations was realised on durable, yet lightweight and easy-to-transport aluminium diobond panels. To make the interviews which were conducted for the city tour accessible to visitors of the exhibition, we designed holders for tablets that serve as video players. The interviews can also be accessed via QR codes and played back on the visitor's own smartphone. The different stations can be located on a large map.

Further information on Mixtape Migration and turn the corner is available at mixtapemigration.de