(Losing) my Religion
For the anthology ›(K)Eine Glaubensfrage – Religiöse Vielfalt im pädagogischen Miteinander‹ (A Question of Faith – Religious Diversity in Educational Cooperation), published in 2016 by the Bildungsstätte Anne Frank, we designed a cover, eleven photographic illustrations and three infographics that deal with everyday religious life as well as religious practices and rules. The illustrations were also published as a series of postcards in 2017 under the title ›(Losing) my Religion‹.

From the announcement of the publication:
The anthology bundles findings from science and educational practice on a topic that is currently particularly moving, but also greatly unsettling our society. Whether the attack in Berlin or the »orgy of violence« on New Year's Eve in Cologne - religion and religious affiliation are increasingly discussed in connection with terror, violence, sexism and anti-democratic tendencies. The publication presents and discusses controversies, questions and experiences on dealing with religions in a plural society. Common clichés and stereotypes - for example about Jews or Muslims - are critically questioned and the promises of the allegedly secular constitutional state are examined. For this reason, a separate chapter is devoted to religious radicalisation. In addition to theoretical reflections, the anthology offers methods and inputs for practical work in the educational space - and is therefore especially recommended for teachers and multipliers in school and out-of-school educational work.

›(K)Eine Glaubensfrage – Religiöse Vielfalt im pädagogischen Miteinander‹