Leben und Wirken der Familie Tesch in Frankfurt am Main
Literal translation: Life and work of the Tesch family in Frankfurt/Main

For the publication Leben und Wirken der Familie Tesch in Frankfurt am Main we developed a design concept and worked out layout and typesetting. Research and content were done by Bruni Marx and were developed as part of the project »Stadtteil-Historiker VIII« (district historian) with the support of the Stiftung Polytechnische Gesellschaft.

Johanna Tesch, née Carillon, was born in Frankfurt/Main on March 24, 1875. She was a member of the German National Assembly in 1919 and a member of the SPD faction of the Reichstag from 1920 to 1924. On March 13, 1945, she was murdered by the National Socialists in the Ravensbrück women's concentration camp.
One encounters the name Johanna Tesch in a number of places in Frankfurt - a subway stop bears her name as well as a square in Riederwald district and, since 2019, a school. A memorial plaque at the family's home commemorates the politician. But there are many more places in Frankfurt that can be associated with Johanna Tesch and her family.

The basis of the publication is the correspondence between Johanna Tesch and her husband Richard as well as with her youngest son Carl, who lived in exile in Switzerland from 1935. The letters provide a detailed insight into living conditions and the political situation, especially during the first years of the Weimar Republic.

With this brochure, those interested can get closer to the life and work of the Tesch family and visit places related to their life in Frankfurt.