diskus – Frankfurter Student_innenzeitschrift
Literal translation: discus – Frankfurt student magazine
In 2014 we revised the appearance of the diskus. Frankfurter Student_innen Zeitschrift fundamentally and designed the issues published since then.

The magazine is published by an editorial team at Frankfurt's Goethe University and deals critically with social, cultural and university policy issues about twice a year. The magazine's history dates back to the 1950s.

The newspaper project not only informs students and subscribers in Frankfurt, it is distributed across the country.

From time to time, special issues of diskus are published, which focus intensively on a particular topic.

The latest issues are available in the student house of the Goethe University Frankfurt. Orders can be placed via Black Mosquito.

We also conceived and designed the website for diskus: diskus.copyriot.com